Oteyza: A Tailor in Madrid


Paul Oteyza is a Spanish tailor. Just the sentence sounds weird in our world today. Still a classic tailor has his space in our day by day routine? Paul thinks indeed there is and he and her partner Caterina are fighting hard to create awareness of their brand in the fashion scene.

I visited their shop/workshop and the space is so vibrant, transmitting a whole lot of passion, good vibrations and positive energy like you would not imagine. To me, a Madrid passionate and devoted to history, finding landmarks like this one is kind of a memorable achievement: someone taking the old classic style of Spanish fashion and giving it a completely new twist to become something of today, rather against the current… really inspiring.

They are mainly using wood from a rare, almost extinct Spanish lamb, called “merina”, black color, which is quite special: not all colors are possible due to its special characteristics. The merina race was about to disappear due to our today stress in search of species that perform better than others. Isn’t it quite energizing to find someone who dedicates his life to revive old traditions and rescue important things, which are about to die?
