A new Icon for Santander look


Designed by the Italian Architect Renzo Piano, the new building of Botin Center in Santander is one of those creations fully explained by themselves, not by the content displayed inside. In Piano's words: the massive structure is trying to create a dialogue between the city and the sea, being the nexus for people to feel the power of water. The building is suspended by pillars to gain a better view of the sea and open in two sections that look to each other. The whole complex is an invitation to discover and to enjoy, an invitation to creation as well.
Santander has been for ages a classic among the Spanish cities, with a rather traditional look and customs, so this futuristic design is called to break more than one rule inside the community.  20 years after the inauguration of the now world-famous Bilbao's Guggenheim, there's been a competition in our country to gain the new world-recognized landmark. Valencia's City of Sciences and Arts, Seville's "Mushrooms" or Oviedo's Congress Palace are competing to attract visitors and achieve a whole new shape, although the results are not always those expected by the promoters.
We are eager to learn how will Santander absorb that new icon and how this magnet of creativity will influence the city. No doubt it will be an interesting lesson for the future.