Ribeira Sacra, well-kept secret and new candidate for the UNESCO World Heritage


In 2021, the Ribeira Sacra area in Galicia, northern Spain, will be candidate for the prestigious UNESCO World Heritage List.

Here is a news that we are happy about, because we have been proposing this destination with the greatest enthusiasm for many years. Experiences off the beaten track, beautiful landscapes, places full of history, gastronomy and good wines… what a wonderful cocktail don’t you think?

From the Middle Age, the name of Sacred Valley was given, due to the monasteries settled there, to the area which extends along the south side of the River Sil, from Castro Caldelas to Ourense. You are able to see the Romanesque Monasteries: “San Pedro de Rocas”, “San Estebo de Ribas de Sil”, “Santa Cristina de Ribas de Sil” and the castle of Castro Caldelas, nestled in a genuine natural environment, almost not touched during so many centuries. 

The course of the rivers Sil and Miño form some intricate bends that offer unique views of a green landscape. At the steep hills along the river brave men have cultivated wine, in such hard conditions that the deserves the name of “Heroic Agriculture”.

Hiking, kayaking, cycling, river cruise, ballooning, wine tourism… The list of possible activities, between active tourism and relaxation, is endless and very exciting, and makes the Ribeira Sacra the perfect destination "post Covid". Not far away you will find the city of Lugo and its famous Roman walls perfectly preserved.

Dream accommodation in breathtaking landscapes, vineyard visits and restaurants with irresistible menus: as usual, we take care of every detail. Just contact us!

Picture from Pixabay.