
Чувствовать себя как дома!

Расположенный в географическом центре страны, Мадрид стал столицей Испании в 1561 году при короле Филиппе II и сохранил богатое историческое и архитектурное наследие, которое жители города смешали с чувством юмора, хорошим вкусом и искусством жизни. Мадрид заставляет всех чувствовать себя желанными. Поэтому есть пословица "Из Мадрида в рай!"

Мадрид является обязательным местом для тех, кто хочет больше узнать об искусстве и истории: три самых важных художественных музея в Европе расположены всего в 15 минутах ходьбы друг от друга: Прадо, Тиссен-Борнемисса и Королевы Софии. От Рембрандта до Пикассо, от Гойи до Моне ... Мадрид - это настоящая художественная академия, которая вдохновит вас!

Но стоит посетить не только Мадрид: поездка до таких впечатляющих городов, как Толедо, Сеговия, Эль-Эскориал, Чинчон, Аранхуэс, Алькала-де-Энарес, занимает всего 1 час. Новый день - новые впечатления. Не говоря уже об оживленной ночной жизни, которой славится Мадрид!

Лучшие впечатения

Дегустация вина
По следам храбрых быков
Тапас-тур: находясь в Испании делай то, что делают испанцы
Введение во Фламенко: Испанский Дух

USA Danielle L. I had the best trip ever! The accommodations and itinerary were EXACTLY what I wanted! Thank you so much for making our trip perfect!
USA Steven B My wife and I have traveled extensively and have used many different travel agencies. We've always been satisfied with the level of service we've received but this agent and his company went above and beyond.
USA Nilda It was a joy to deal with this travel agency. Nothing was left to chance and every service met the highest professional standards.
USA Corinne F. My husband and I travelled to Spain at the beginning of September 2016 for our honeymoon, after planning the trip with this agent several months earlier.
USA Michael L. We had a truly amazing family vacation. Our agent arranged every aspect of the trip and our expectations were consistently exceeded.
USA Rene We had a wonderful time. I really want to move to Spain now!
Atlanta Judy T Look no further than SpainTop to plan the most amazing journey for you! As a seasoned traveler to Spain for almost two decades, I had definite ideas and opinions about the itinerary.
Cara Travels to Spain My husband and I have always been independent travelers and never used a travel agent.
Bo and Susan Hi Antonio, I must say you planned an exceptional trip throughout Spain and Portugal. We had the time of our life! Thank you for a job very well done!
Kenia Elizabeth & Cía Thank you for a fabulous trip to Italy and Spain. We totally loved all our guides. Rosanna stood out for me.
USA Kenneth G Thank you for making such wonderful arrangements. The drivers were punctual and courteous, the accommodations varied and in great locations, and the itinerary perfect.
Jim & Jennifer - May 2017 We had an absolute wonderful time thanks to you and your wonderful team. Everything was perfect, not one thing was incorrect from the wonderful hotels to the fantastic guides.
USA Sharon G My compliments to you and your company! Our trip was fantastic!
Italy Patrizia B Well the trip to Spain went off without a hitch, thanks to you! It was first class all the way.
India Neeta D The trip organization by this Spain travel agency was excellent.
USA Don A This Spain tour company did a fantastic job to make our dream trip perfect. We gave them our travel budget, told them where we would like to go, and they did all of the planning.
USA Maureen C We had very high expectations and they were exceeded at every level.
USA Linda F I just returned from a wonderful trip to Spain planned by Spaintop.
USA Glenn.H I consulted with 3 different travel agencies and this agent was the only provider that truly listened to our desires and simply went about fulfilling our requests without trying to push things on us that we didn't want.

Свежие новости в нашем блоге Мадрид

HO HO HO: Christmas and Winter Season in Madrid


Illuminations, Christmas market with more than 100 stands, ice rinks, nativity scenes, hot chestnuts and intense cultural agenda… the atmosphere is guaranteed!

1st Prize ''Best City Experience Designer''


Antonio Gómez Coronado, director and founder of SpainTOP, has just received the prize "Best City Experience Designer"

Luxury Travel Industry Award 2020 - SpainTOP nominated


SpainTOP has been selected to figure on the shortlist of nominees for the Award of “Best City Experience Designer”, as a DMC expert in this area.

